Susan Rodgers

Friday, August 22, 2008


Romans 8:10,11
“Now if christ is in you, the body is dead because of sin, but the spirit is life because of righteousness. And if the Spirit of Him Who raised Christ from the dead lives in you, then He Who raised Christ from the dead will also bring your mortal bodies to life through His Spirit Who lives in You.”

Galatians 5:25
“Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.”
Been out of step lately. Trying to be led By His Spirit and be obedient, but my will has seemed to rule my decisions. My thoughts have been on things of this world rather than being obsessed with Jesus.

But lately, especially yesterday, the Lord has been revealing to me His love. As I take baby steps toward understanding, His love, like warm sunshine, fills my spirit and makes me alive. I am eager for time with Him. I long to hear His voice. Even if His leading takes me down a path of self-denial, I’m less likely to resist as I keep in mind His HUGE love for me. All His decisions and directions are for good--for me and everyone else, too! Bad happens when I decide that I know BETTER (back to Eden!), and that God is sort of holding out on me.

Ah, Lord, please help me remember that every good and perfect gift comes from You. There is no good outside of You.

You ARE LOVE. Wash over me with Your love, I beg; change me, my thought processes, everything!

Song we’re doing Sunday:

All You are is all I want always
Draw me close in Your arms, Oh God
I wanna be with You
I wanna be with You

Your deliverance comes with the revelation knowledge of Your love, the truth, about Your love.

“You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
Free from sin because its deception has been exposed. I really won’t be happier doing things outside of His will.

It’s like a light bulb getting brighter.

Lord, consume me, please! Be my “magnificent obsession.” When I’m dead to sin and alive in Christ, I truly am ALIVE!


  • Hey Susan, its so cool to have Him in our lives. Nothing is like His presence. But its work to stay in, we get lazy and in a moment we slip into this world and its self-conscience state and there is no happiness there. Its the dead zone. Fight the good fight Susan. Mother Teresa said; "I know God will not give me more then I can take, I just wish He did not trust me so much."

    By Blogger sammie, at 3:49 PM  

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