A Day in the Life of a Children's Cup Missionary
We ‘Cup Team members have been given a homework assignment of documenting a day of our lives, hour by hour. Saturday, 27 May 06, was the date I was given. So, here is what happened to me yesterday. Check out my dad’s blog tomorrow
http://www.daveohlerking@blogspot.com, for Sunday is his day to document.
Talked with Ben; prayed together
Quiet time/devotions
Got kids organized
Ben and Kayla to grocery store
Set up Levi and Trinity by the fire with warm strawberry soy milk and Levi’s new movie: Flight of the Navigator
Got myself dressed and my room organized (partly, anyway…)
Checked email; finished writing in journal
Breakfast: Ben made eggs and toast. He also bought strawberries!
Played ping-pong with Ben
Doug Myers stopped by
Went jogging with Ben (it was hard that time! EISH! Maybe I ate too much breakfast.)
Played outside with the kids and the dogs (soccer, pushed them on the swings, practiced hand-stands and round-offs)
Sung Happy Birthday LOUD and off-key to Patrick, who had just gotten back from taking Bible Club helpers camping
Lunch (Ben was on a role and fried shrimp for lunch!)
Mom called! She’d just gotten back to the States.
Finish getting self ready
Help Trinity get dressed after her bath (she got in with Kayla who washed her for me—thank you, Kayla!)
Prepared house for friends to come
People began showing up, and I always feel myself relaxing as they come through the door! I LOVE having everyone over.
Fed the masses: Mostly American missionaries come to our house on Saturday nights, sometimes over 40 people show up if you count all the kids. We have potluck meals with themes (Mexican, Pizza, Soup, etc.)
Sung happy birthday to Pat (again in appropriate off-key style) and Wyatt Chapman
Julie Anderson played the guitar and led worship
Watched a John Bevere video about drawing near to God
Prayed together and fellowshipped
Locked up house, prayed over the kids, prepared for bed
Ben and I talked about our day and prayed together
Okay, I’m a mommy so use your imagination to fill in gaps with trips to the potty with Trinity and the other typical things mommies do. Each day is full—never boring! I’m very thankful for the ways the Lord has blessed me.
http://www.daveohlerking@blogspot.com, for Sunday is his day to document.
Talked with Ben; prayed together
Quiet time/devotions
Got kids organized
Ben and Kayla to grocery store
Set up Levi and Trinity by the fire with warm strawberry soy milk and Levi’s new movie: Flight of the Navigator
Got myself dressed and my room organized (partly, anyway…)
Checked email; finished writing in journal
Breakfast: Ben made eggs and toast. He also bought strawberries!
Played ping-pong with Ben
Doug Myers stopped by
Went jogging with Ben (it was hard that time! EISH! Maybe I ate too much breakfast.)
Played outside with the kids and the dogs (soccer, pushed them on the swings, practiced hand-stands and round-offs)
Sung Happy Birthday LOUD and off-key to Patrick, who had just gotten back from taking Bible Club helpers camping
Lunch (Ben was on a role and fried shrimp for lunch!)
Mom called! She’d just gotten back to the States.
Finish getting self ready
Help Trinity get dressed after her bath (she got in with Kayla who washed her for me—thank you, Kayla!)
Prepared house for friends to come
People began showing up, and I always feel myself relaxing as they come through the door! I LOVE having everyone over.
Fed the masses: Mostly American missionaries come to our house on Saturday nights, sometimes over 40 people show up if you count all the kids. We have potluck meals with themes (Mexican, Pizza, Soup, etc.)
Sung happy birthday to Pat (again in appropriate off-key style) and Wyatt Chapman
Julie Anderson played the guitar and led worship
Watched a John Bevere video about drawing near to God
Prayed together and fellowshipped
Locked up house, prayed over the kids, prepared for bed
Ben and I talked about our day and prayed together
Okay, I’m a mommy so use your imagination to fill in gaps with trips to the potty with Trinity and the other typical things mommies do. Each day is full—never boring! I’m very thankful for the ways the Lord has blessed me.
That's awesome! So busy! I liked the played ping-pong and the sung the birtday song off-key the most i think, of course behind prayer and journaling! =) Hope you have an awesome day!
Stephanie, at 2:13 PM
It was very neet to read your day. I can't hear about Africa without getting a lump in my throat for the Orphans there. I keep waiting for you to come home with a baby for me :-) ('m sure you heard we adopted? He's two now! read about it all on javalinandsteele.blogspot.com) I hope we can get together when you come back into town. Know our prayers, thougths and support is with you and all you are doing. God bless.
Carole Turner, at 5:38 PM
Reading your special blog makes me miss all of you so much.
I know God is using you, Sooze, in your special gift of hospitality. But you are also so full of compassion for the needy ones whom you encounter in the grocery store, on the streets, at the bank...even when paying the parking lot attendants. You spread Jesus' love everywhere you go.
You are a great missionary...we are so very proud of our daughter!
Love Mom
Jean Ohlerking, at 8:46 AM
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