Susan Rodgers

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Just More Journal Gush

John 7:18b
“But He who seeks the glory of the One who sent Him is true, and there is no unrighteousness in Him.”

Personal application: Live life for God’s glory and it’ll be much easier to live a righteous life. If I’m living for His glory, I’ll be much less likely to make selfish decisions.

Wow. I keep looking for that “humble, submissive in spirit, and trembling at the Lord’s Word” verse when today my eyes have caught verses in Jeremiah 23.

v.22 – leadership enabling people to hear God’s words (or not)
v.26 – refers to deceit in their minds (Oh how I understand that one—deceit in my mind!)
v.27 – the people forgot God because of Baal worship. They forgot His Name.

Anything more important to myself than God is an idol. Get wrapped up in an idol and it truly is easy to forget about God. Then the temporary high finally crashes and I’m once again reminded that only the Lord can satisfy.

v.29 – “'Is not My Word like fire'—the Lord’s declaration—'and like a sledgehammer that pulverizes rock?'”

His Words are so important! I must be tuned in! Those “little nudges” are in reality so much more than that—I MUST OBEY. It is not an option.

Sometimes the Holy Spirit says, “Do this,” when I really don’t want to. I REALLY would rather do that other thing. Sometimes it seems so small and insignificant. But little foxes spoil the vine, right? Little disobediences can royally mess up the big picture.

“He leads me in the paths of righteousness, for His Name’s sake.” (Psalm 23) Ah, again obeying with the purpose of the Lord’s glory. His instructions keep me on the right path.

“Trust me,” He says in my heart.

Proverbs 3:5 (Holman Christian Standard Version)
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on our own understanding.”

My own understanding often says, “This little thing won’t hurt.” For example, I sense the Holy Spirit say, “Don’t say those words right now.” I think, “Why not? They aren’t gossip or lies.” But then I’m reminded (especially when I DISOBEY) that all the Lord’s Words are like fire. It is critical that I obey in all my decisions.

“Think about Him in all your ways, and He will guide you on the right paths.”

Some days I get frustrated because it seems like at every turn the Holy Spirit is pulling me from what I’m about to do. I feel like a toddler who keeps nearly wandering off the sidewalk into the street or ditch. I get frustrated when I get my eyes off the Lord and onto my own selfish wants. Back to being humble (not thinking about myself), submissive in spirit (having an attitude of obedience), and trembling at the Lord’s Word (prompt to obey when He speaks, not debating or analyzing).

So, if I’m focused on Christ, I’m a whole lot less likely to wander off course. That’s not a news flash, but how profound it is and how easily I forget!


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